
Generate vanity numbers from your own phone number to make it unforgettable.
Made with JavaScript
Released February 2023
Updated March 2025

Cifra is a website that lets you generate vanity phone numbers from an inputted phone number. Generated vanity numbers can be starred to look at later. The first version was released in February 2023, and it was later updated in January 2024 to use a much more efficient generation method.
In short, to generate all possible vanity phone numbers quickly, Cifra converts every word in a word list to a string of numbers corresponding to the digits on the typical telephone keypad, loops through them to check if there are any matches with the inputted phone number, replaces the matched digits with the corresponding word, and finally displays each vanity number. For a more in-depth explanation, read my blog post: Dialing Letter Instead of Digits.
The website was originally called "Word Phone Number Generator," but was changed to "Cifra" in July 2023. "Cifra" (pronounced SEE-fra) is a Spanish word that can be translated to "number," "figure," or "cipher."
The logo shows the word "Cifra" with the letters' corresponding telephone keypad digits in front of it.