
Plannter logo


Plan courses, keep track of extracurriculars, prepare for college applications, and more.

Screenshot of Plannter showing GPA and a list of Freshman and Sophomore courses with their grade and advancement level

Plannter is a website that allows high school students to manage and plan their academic life. You can keep track of your coursework, standarized tests, and extracurricular activities. You can also prepare for college applications by creating a college list and starting your essays.

I originally began development in January 2023, with the website only having a Coursework section and an Activities section. It was written using HTML, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript until DSNS and I rewrote it using Next.js in September 2024. Now, Plannter has five different sections, a GPA calculator, an essay editor, and several other useful features.

The name "Plannter" is a portmanteau (big fancy word!!!) of the words "planner" and "plant." Another name I considered was "Alumnac" (a portmanteau of the words "alumnus" and "almanac"), but I felt that "Plannter" fit the website's purpose better.

The original Plannter icon was just the Font Awesome plant icon colored green, but I eventually designed my own plant icon in Pixlr and started using it in July 2024.